Amused Religion.
“Specialization is for insects. I don’t believe in this model of trying to focus your life down one thing. You’ve got one life just do everything you want.”- Naval Ravikant.
Are you religious?
Five responses are certain: YES, NO, FUCK YOU ,I don’t know & not Interested.
I have no intention of promoting any sect of religion nor have I any intention of creating another Scientology. I am simply a flaneur wondering about minding my business. Religion just happens to be an avenue around the corner. So I got curious.
Even if you entertain or do not entertain the sincerity of religion and its practice, we cannot ignore the influences it had over us for several hundreds and thousands of years. And now because of modern liberalism we have the gall to question Religion.
Manoj: Maria, how many religions are there in the world?
Maria: over 4000 maybe. Those are the recognized ones we know of.
Human species are not unidimensional. We have multiple aspects of conditioning influencing us from a macro to a micro level. We are one and we are all, in a sense.
Everthing from food, language, customs, dress, rituals and even sexual preference are conditioned by the evironment we live in.
Why do you think the russian language has closed lipped syllabi whereas the spanish is open lipped ? Because the climate is contrasting.
It piqued me when I heard of a name Diana Fernandez of Philippins.
Now why is there a latino last name of a person living in Philipins. The more is heard her story, I saw a clear influence of latin tradition in the Philippines community.
The story goes back to spanish conquestadors and the spainish trade route set after the conquest to asia. The spanish let imprint in there food, religion and even language. This is why we find tacos in philippines.
Do you see a resemblese betweem komusta and como estas ?
Now the story of humans of the past is a fascination topic to study. Is it rewarding is a sense you get to profit off of it? Maybe. But maybe you can take a peek on the real story of the past.
There is no central authority claiming a rigid history of how one culture influenced the other and where it all began.
We are fed a story of how all humans suddenly originated in african continent and dispersed throughout the rest of the world. Humans began to settle in different part of different continent and started creating there own language, food, religion, customs and traditions.
I do not know the answer to this puzzle. But every human I interact with has a resembles of the past. Their ancestors survived long enough to create a lineage to produce a story.