An utter waste of time.
“This is such a short and precious life that it’s really important that you don’t spend it being unhappy.”- Naval Ravikant.
No, it's not the times you spent watching a mind-mummifying movie/series or the times you spent asking a girl out for a drink, or waiting in line at the grocery store, looking at the clerk miss the tag for the third time.
It’s the time you spent trying to be self-aware. As if you were not aware before I even made the statement.
I’d rather be less aware of myself and be more receptive to the world around me. This way I know how to move, when to move and how and when to just STOP.
What do you mean by being self-aware?
There is a layer of ignorance when it comes to the people who are into spirituality. As if a tweet or an Instagram post is going to transform their inner state of pleasantness. It's a snack. If you want to be filled and healthy, eat real food.
I’ve had conversations with committed individuals who practice their rituals and still function at their best in their day-to-day living. They have a healthy amount of sex, eat real food, go on trips, have their hobbies and still maintain a pleasant sense of being.
What does being self-aware even mean?
Does it mean to be aware of your breathing every moment? No, because it is boring, you have other things to do and breathing is one of the few activities we can do voluntarily and involuntarily, connected directly to our nervous system. Therefore it is a mechanism to control and enhance the nervous system. Does it mean to be emotional or rationale? No, because both limit a person to experience and express reality. Does it mean becoming better? Ok stop it, who are you kidding, you are not training or making money just for yourself. You want to impress. Maybe you want to impress a girl, fine, maybe you want to be famous, fine. Nothing wrong with that.
But don’t sell yourself to be of a higher morality than the rest of us, you hairless monkey.
Now don’t get me wrong, have some interest in these topics but don’t go crazy. You have this thing called life waiting for you.
Here’s how it worked for me, I spent a huge chunk of my time trying to be “self-aware”. What was the result? I became more delusional and had high expectations from others. It was a way I did not want to live like.
What Changed?
I saw the world as she was, “A cruel beautiful bitch.”
I knew what she wanted and how she wanted it. So I changed myself. I am working on every single aspect of my life. Keep improving myself. This impressed her. She wanted more action from me. Now I enjoy the fruit she bore for me.
So children, What did we learn today?
She is a cruel beautiful bitch.