Dance: A story of Realisation
“Life is the dancer and you are the dance.” — Eckhart Tolle
I have danced since childhood. From my village to school to college. I have danced by myself, enjoying myself and danced with people who are interested in dancing. As a matter of fact, my Great grandfather was the best dancer in my Village. He was even named “Marooni”, a title given to the best dancer in the village. So what’s my story with dance?
You see, when I first danced in my village I just danced, I don’t remember what I was thinking back then. But I clearly remember why I danced in the school days. To impress girls and be better than my friends. Yup, that was me. I think I hooked myself with this desire until I was in college. Until I realized, Why I spend hours alone listening to music and just dancing in the music. No preparation on any sort. Just in the moment, finding a song that fits the mood and going all out. I didn’t think about dance much. Just something I like spending time around. I used to go on some events and parties and flex a bit on moves but that was not celebration. It was more about trying to impress a certain someone. It’s not bad to impress, but it’s not a celebration. Recently my first dance class with mat Steffaninan, made me realize why I dance.
It was my first formal dance class. In the workshop, I got to see amazing people. I got to see how they express themselves. Here I some of my thought on dancers. And How I am being aware of it in my life.
1: Dancers are creatures who like attention.
Like if extroverts had a synonym it would-be dancers. Every fiber of their body said look at me, this is who I am. Looking at these people move for me was like looking at magicians doing their magic. Be it no audience or million audiences their dance was the same, as a matter of fact, they danced better with louder cheers.
2: It was never about the moves you remember
Looking back at the workshop, I was observing how people remembered steps. I for one suck at memorizing steps. I thought it had to be perfectly memorized, but that was not the point. I was never expected to dance like matt, I was supposed to dance like me. Improvising and moving with the steps. I was overthinking.
3: Confidence in who we are, very different from arrogance
You see there is a difference between Confidence and arrogance. Confidence is you know you are good and you back yourself with humble swag, ready to learn and get better. Arrogance is when you believe you are the best and the people around you are suckers. I was arrogant because most of my peers in college were not dancers. Being around dancers with years of experience made me realize my arrogance. I am now being surrounded by my amazing peers and I look forward to keep learning and keep expressing.
4: Earn that Charm
Dancers have a subtle charm in them. The way they walk, move or even talk. Dancers have that certain something that makes them different from the rest of the audience. They are curious, full of energy, and ready to go all out anytime. In dance, having big moves is important. We need to talk with our bodies. You see that charism is earned with hours and hours of practice and battle. But it’s something special you can only feel, I never really know what to name that spark.
5: It’s about how comfortable we are being ourselves. A celebration
I did say I danced to impress. I also danced to express how I felt at the moment. Now I realize it’s more about celebrating who we are as an individual. Irrespective of what’s happening in our lives. If you and I can enjoy being ourselves then we are dancing with joy. Dance is about how comfortable are we with ourselves, with our body. If you can find what makes you happy 24/7 just do it. Triple down on what makes you happy. Be it dance, music, writing, wrestling, or even talking. Just celebrate your self.
My relationship with dance.
As of now, I am starting my dance journey again as a beginner. I hate to say this but I was an arrogant boy who thought he was a good dancer. I thought doing cool moves was dancing good. But I was naive. I am dedicating my life to this learning adventure for the rest of my life. I will celebrate my life, my journey and my relationship with every sweetness I can bring in the table. Dance has taught me about the music of life. We are all dancers dancing in this eternal music of life. The choice is are we doing it willingly and rejoicing it or are we getting grumpy and unaware of it and complaining. That was how I used to be. ptffff.
Thank you so much for staying with me till the end. Your attention means a world to me. I really believe you and I are so special individually that we have something to offer in this world. Be it this article, be it a smile to a stranger, be it an “I love you, you are beautiful.” to a certain someone. It is not about changing a million lives. It’s more about impressing this one life, YOU. Love you lots Until next time, Chao.