Quid pro quo
The three magical words: “I got this.”- Manoj Pun Tilija.
“Only cowards throw away their shields to run faster.”- Skin In The Game.
Of the 16 chapels of Tramulda, Munez had one last request to fulfill to please the GODS. To kill his beloved. Without a moment of hesitation Munez, slashed Supan’s head with his macuahuitl.
GODS: Ask what you desire.
Munez: Bring my beloved back to life.
GODS: So be it.
The only human who ever looked down over pity GODS.
MUNEZ, el conquistador de dos mundos.
The golden rule says, “Do onto others what you want them to do to you.”
The silver rule says, “Don’t do onto others what you don’t want them to do to you.”
As much as we want to be treated right and politely, the more practical version is not to treat people the way you don’t want to be treated by.
Does that mean becoming overtly cautious about offending someone?
No, absolutely not. There are some aspects that must not be compromised no matter the price.
If it offends someone, it's their problem. Don’t take it personally.
The discussion sprung when discussing Skin in the game. One should not be able to transfer risk for one’s benefit. He should be more prone to the risk of his advice-giving.
A deeper aspect of skin in the game is called Soul in the game. This is where the learner can never compromise on the values and ethics he holds dear. For example, A passionate entrepreneur who doesn't negotiate the quality of the product over the profit.
These are avenues where the profession is an art. When the artist becomes builders, engineers, scientists, mathematicians, teachers, army, doctors, etc.
This does not mean they start making tic-tok videos.
It is the way to look at one's profession as a grand gesture of the divine.
Not in the sense of a GOD but the magnificence of the divine within the creator.