Scam Dunk
“Pick Partners With Intelligence, Energy and Integrity.You can’t compromise on any of these three”-Naval Ravikant.
Even prior to the internet, people leveraged their people skills into luring naive people to speculate into outlandish returns. For example, A Nigerian prince who needs 10k dollars to inaugurate in the United States, Madoff’s claim to return 20% on your investment, or selling the Eiffel tower to tourists.
In recent times, these speculations have piqued my interest. For example, the amazon support team who claims to refund your money to your bank account, a tour guide who will give you money for traveling, digital art that claims to be worth 70 million dollars.
Scam Dunk is my compilation in helping someone realize what is and what is not.
Right Education is not a scam.
In spite of the advice given by observing the successful entrepreneurs who made it to the top, most of us will need a college degree. Specifically, a STEM degree. It is a worthwhile investment. Of course, the workforce will be a different battle zone, where you get to learn more and earn more. But as long as you have a degree in STEM, you will get a job. And you need a job.
9–5 is not a Scam.
People, everyone needs a major source of income that provides steady pay. The one that pays the bill and keeps a roof over your head. Now unless your side hustle earns more than your regular day job, just suck it up. Keep your day job, you need it, especially if it is higher pay. What you do with your after 5 and on weekends is a different topic.
A part-Time job is not a scam.
Unless you are a top-tier earner living with six figs, you need a part-time job. Some of the best part-time jobs are security, delivery & bartender. These jobs allow you free time to listen or do your things and still get paid for sitting your ass. You want to get into these because they are highly demanding and rewarding in your leisure time.
Entrepreneurship is likely a scam, unless…
SBA’s 2019 survey suggest, 90% of start-up fails before they reach an anniversary. Most of your brilliant start-up ideas are pipe dreams. And society will not reward you even until the '30s, 35's, or 40’s. But you have to keep swinging the bat. You will fail and you should fail early in life. The insta-entrepreneurs are garbage. (I am not a sour-grape). Most of them will sell you a course or some training seminars. It’s a scam.
Unless you’ve mastered basic accounting, programming, marketing, selling, and economics don’t even think about entrepreneurship. Prepare but do not launch you are not ready. The heuristics I follow is, “do I have 6 months of living expense?”, & “Am i investing no more than 10% of my allocation?”.
I expect this in every partnership.