The Fool.
“Amusement whistles away death. Only fools need explanations, Mighty gets curious.”- Manoj Pun Tilija
Who is the fool?
The one who raised the hand to ask? or the one who kept silent. Silence not from understanding or contemplating, from dull and uninspired life.
Maybe the one who asked is the fool.
The fool is even stupid and timid. Afraid to rise above. Not to experience superiority but to experience abundance.
The math of magic or the magic of math, makes the fool jump, crawl, fly and even swim.
Something is impossible for a fool, Something is impossible in this fool.
The fool is not foolish because of the irrational behavior on display,
because the fool wears foolishness.
Maybe I am a fool, may be you are a fool.
A fool nonetheless, fools himself.