The illusion of Glamour.
“If the speaker is eager to speak, do not listen. If the listener is not eager to listen, do not speak” — Manoj Pun.
Drokman was in charge of the new batch of courtesans hired for the king’s entertainment. After one scores of assistance, Drokman was getting tired of living this life. He wanted to become the navigator of his own ship and explore the other side of Numescus.
Drokman patiently followed the advice given by the generous Arkad, the richest man in Babylon. Following the commandments, Drokman knew he was ready to resign. This would be his last assignment.
The new courtesans listened to drokman’s instructions on how to behave in the palace. He assigned assistants to each and room where they will be spending their nights. Among the beautiful creatures, one bird's eye was fixated on the charming Drokman. She wanted to seduce and test who this man really was. She used every tactic in her arsenal, giggles, requests, helplessness, and slow walks.
But drokman was unaffected by the woman’s approach. Because drokman was aware of the woman’s nature. After all, he had been in this trade for 20 years.
The woman lost all her patience, she reached Drokman and asked, “Aren’t I attractive ?”
Drokman replied: Yes. You are.
She: Aren’t I beautiful?
Drokman: Yes, very much.
She: So why, thy you not reciprocate my touch? Thou you not knowth how to please a woman? or arth you in another woman’s possession?
Drokman: Oh beauty, you are preetieh indeed. Your walks are seductive. Your hairs moveth with divine elegance. But I knowth my place in not here.
She: What do you mean?
Drokman: Go to valuta, there you shall find the place you seekth.
Drokman completed his assignment and as promised ventured into the new unknown.
The bird found her way to Valuta, There she met groups of old people celebrating the voyage of Drokman. Methusala, the caretaker of this family reached the bird.
Methusala: oh little bird, why do you cometh to this place? Arth you lost?
She: I am a courtesan at the King’s palace. The boasty Drokman sent me to this place.
Methusala: Haha, the little bird got enchanted by my boy.
The bird blushed but replied: No thy not. The fool will regret my proposal.
Methusala: If he did he wouldn’t be the man I raised.
She: Arth you his mother?
Mehtusala: No, thy not. One score ago, I was the courtesan of the previous king. Little Drok, was lost. I raised him as my boy.
She: You wereth a courtesan?
Mehusala: Yes. Until I met my Barbarian.
She: (puzzled by the woman’s word) So why did the fool send me to this place?
Methusala: I knowth nothing about his intentions. But while you are here, help me prepare a meal for this audience.
She: But…
Methusala: Come here.
“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” — The Alchemist.