The Mexican Fisherman

Manoj Pun Tilija
3 min readFeb 25, 2022


“The purpose of life is to replace your bigger problems with the smaller problems. That means replacing your financial problem with the existential problem.”- Aaron Clarey.

Once an American businessman who was severely overworked visited his doctor. The doctor told him that he is stressing his job too much and he needs to reset himself.

The businessman obliged. He took a vacation to a small coastal Mexican village.

However, on the very first morning, he already got an urgent call from the office. Because he was stressed out and unable to fall back asleep. The businessman walked out to the pier to clear his head.

A small boat with one fisherman had docked. And inside the boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish.

American Businessman: How long did it take you to catch them?

Mexican Fisherman: Only a little while.

American Businessman: Why don’t you stay out longer and catch more fish?

Mexican Fisherman: I have enough to support my family and give a few to friends. (Unloading his basket.)

American Businessman: (Puzzled) But what do you do with the rest of the time?

Mexican Fisherman: (smile) I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, and stroll into the village every evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a busy life, Senor.

The American laughed and stood tall.

American Businessman: Sir I am a Harvard MBA and I can help you. You should spend more time fishing. And with the proceeds you will get from selling the fish, you can buy a bigger boat. In no time you can buy several boats with the increased haul. Eventually, you will have a fleet of shipping boats.

The American continued.

Instead of selling your fish through a middle man, you can sell your fish directly to the consumers. Eventually opening up your own cannery.

You would control the product, processing, and distribution. However, you would need to leave this small coastal village of course, and move to Mexico City. Then to Los Angelos, and eventually to new york city. Where you could run your expanded enterprise with a proper management team.

Mexican Fisherman: But senor, how long will all this take?

American Businessman: 15–20 years. 25 tops.

Mexican Fisherman: But what then senor?

American Businessman: (Smiled) When the time is right, you can announce your IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very very rich. You would make millions.

Mexican Fisherman: Millions Senor!!! And then what ?!!

American Businessman: Now this is the best part. You could finally retire and move to a small coastal fishing village. There you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your grandchildren, take a siesta with your wife, and stroll in to the village every evening where you would sip wine and play guitar with your amigos.


As most hardworking individuals like to believe, Work is not something to be proud of. You do not want to spend the rest of your life working. In case you forgot,

You will die and the people you love will eventually die as well.

So why not quit your job and follow your passion live your life?

Because you have bills to pay. Your current lifestyle has a cost and you need money to sustain that lifestyle.

You do it you meet your financial needs, that is it. You need money as fuel to drive your car called life. You can smile, cry, love it or hate it. This is your car.

Now, we have been sold a script if you want a happy life, you need to have more money, If you want more money, you have to do more work. But in this cycle, we’ve taught ourselves to postpone happiness.

We think that when we save enough money then we will spend it to buy happiness.

It is not going to buy you an ounce of happiness.

Your Money or Your Life?

This is my wish & my blessing, may you find who you truly are & express it to the world.

Lots of Love, Chao.



Manoj Pun Tilija
Manoj Pun Tilija

Written by Manoj Pun Tilija

Among the infinite Wisdom, I am lost. An admirer of knowledge & Virtue, a lover of curiosity.

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