What are you doing? Nothing.

Manoj Pun Tilija
3 min readSep 4, 2022


“To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring — it was peace.” — Milan Kundera

I’ve talked about dualities with different flavors in the past. I’ve presented it as a doer and a receiver dichotomy. I’ve used words like masculine & feminine, action & emotion, rationale & sentiment, leader & follower. But it really is not a story of two individual perception. They are both the same.

Boredom is the word that can signify what I have been working on.

It all started with the question how do I become productive? How do I maximize my return? What should I do to make sure I make the most of my life? What? How?

Manoj: Why? Why do you want to be productive? Why do you want to maximize my returns?

Morgan: what do you mean why? Everyone is doing it? Everyone is trying to make the most of life. Everyone is trying their best to make the most of it.

Manoj: Ok, so why do you think they are doing it?

Morgan: Because everyone is doing it.

Manoj: Exactly. Everyone is doing it. I am not saying it is wrong to pursue your goals. As a matter of fact, I have big goals, I have big dreams. Mammoth size expectations of life. Fine wealth and services I want to experience.

Morgan: So how is it any different from my perception of pursuit? What are you trying to say?

Manoj: You get into this mode of always pursuing. You are always in this mode of an active mind that you fail to consider the macro view of a finite time.

Morgan: So what do you want me to do? Relax?

Manoj: Yes.

Morgan: Yeah, I relax. I watch NetFlix to chill out and refresh my mind.

Manoj: That’s not what I meant.

Morgan: What do you mean?

Manoj: This act of searching for a new series and watching the story unfold is an act of pursuit. You are still in the mode of constant grinding. You never relaxed.

Morgan: Ok, I see what you mean. You mean I am always in constant pursuit. Be it working or trying to relax. I am always pursuing something.

Manoj: Correct.

Morgan: Then what should I do?

Manoj: Nothing.

Morgan: What do you mean by nothing?

Manoj: Just Nothing.

Mogan: So how do you do this Nothing.

Manoj: I do ballroom dance, write, animate, build a website, practice Spanish and ride my motorcycle.

Morgan: But you just said to do nothing, and you are doing a lot of things.

Manoj: I am doing nothing. There is no desire to be better, there is no pursuit of a win. There is no goal. There is no failure. And there is no success.

Morgan: I am confused. In one part you say that I am always doing something. In another part, you say that I do nothing. But to do nothing you are doing a lot of things. What’s that about?

Manoj: ok. I think words like meditation, prayers, and spirituality works with you. You see we have a connotation of materialism vs spiritualism.

We think that materialism is this realm of reality and spirituality is a hocus pocus that connects us to the galaxy. We think that this is material and this is spiritual. It is just like a debate between capitalism and socialism, democrat and republican, liberal and conservative.

Morgan: So what is it then?

Manoj: Morgan, understand that I am not any different from you as a pursuer. But you and I have different biology, which affects our psychology, which affects our preferences, and that influences our actions and behaviors.

Morgan: I get that.

Manoj: Therefore any experience has to go through many layers of interpretation and outside influences. You and I are both working this way. I am in no manner or form superior to you. Nor you in no manner or form are inferior to me. But because I understand the tools I have. I am better equipped to use them giving me leverage. That is all the difference between you and me.

Morgan: So what should I do then?

Manoj: Relax. Do nothing.

This is my wish & my blessing, may you find who you truly are & express it to the world.

Lots of Love, Chao.



Manoj Pun Tilija

Among the infinite Wisdom, I am lost. An admirer of knowledge & Virtue, a lover of curiosity. A Part-Time Barbarian. https://www.parttimebarbarian.com